Monday, 16 June 2008

Lanzarot (Polski)

Nasz wyjazd do Lanzarotu nie byl planowany ale nie potrafimy odmowic gdy jest mozliwosc pojechania gdzies. James and Veronique jechali do La Santy i zaprosili nas bysmy z nimi pojechali i nie bylo nawet mowy o tym bysmy powiedzieli nie gdyz oboje lubimy Lanzarote. I tak to wyladowalismy w Lanzarocie.

Lanzarot nalezy do wysp Kanaryjskich, polozony jest 120km od wybrzeza Afryki i jest 60km na 20km. Pogoda jest przyjemna przez caly rok, 21°C w styczniu and 29°C we wrzesniu, malo deszczu czyli dobra destynacja na wakacje o kazdej porze roku.

Jak wszystkie wyspy Kanaryjskie, Lanzarot jest pochodzenia wulkanicznego, czesto opisywana jako ksiezycowy krajobraz. Wyspa zachowuje swoj wdzieki, dzieki zakazowi budowania wysokich budynkow.

Glowna atrakcja jest Timanfaya Narodowy Park - (ognista gora) powstaly w wyniku erupcji 1730 - 1736 gdzie pojawilo sie ponad 100 wulkanow, ktore zniszczyly wiekszosc wyspy. Ostatnia erupcja byla w 1824. Area wyglada prawie tak samo jak po erupcji gdyz opady deszczu sa tak male, ze nie ma erozji. Temperatura pare metrow pod powierzchnia wacha sie miedzy 400°C i 600°C. Suchy krzew wrzucony do parometrowego dolu zapala sie momentalnie a woda wlana do dziury wystrzela w gore jak gejzer.

Jameos del Agua jest interesujacym miejscem - wulkaniczna jaskinia zmieniona w audytorium, basen, ogrod i restauracje otoczona wulkanicznym krajobrazem. Zostala ona zaprojektowana przez Cezara Manrique - localnego artyste. Podziemne slone jeziorko jest domem dla slepych bialych krabow - jest o jedyne miejsce na swiecie gdzie mozna je zobaczyc.

Dla sportowcow Lanzarot sie kojarzy z La Santa - komplex sportowy z dala od turystycznego poludnia z kortami tenisowymi, 50m basenem, silownia i mozliwosciami do jezdzenia na rowerze. Bylismy tam juz przed tem i bardzo nam sie podobalo - gdyby nie limit urlopu czesciej bysmy tam zagladali. Michal czuje sie tam jak ryba w wodzie - rano plywanie potem rower a wieczorem bieganie. James nie mial wyboru wiec musial podazac za Michalem. Czasami tylko Michal pozwalam na pare godzin leniuchowania na lezaku przy basenie (ale nie za czesto bo plan treningowy byl napakowany).

Ja z Veronique mialysmy swoj wlasny plan treningowy. Szybki spacer rano potem 2 godz aerobiku/rozciagania i po poludniu nastepne 3 godz klas. Vero miala pedometer, ktory miezyl ile krokow zrobilismy w ciagu dnia, i zazwyczaj robilismy dwa razy tyle ile jest rekomendowane (rekomendowane jest 10tys na dzien) nie liczac klas. W lunch zazwyczaj jechalismy spotkac chlopakow albo chodzilismy do oddalonej 3km kanapkarni (bo lunch w La santa bylo by za latwo i mielibysmy za duzo czasu).

Mielismy wspanialy czas i zadowoleni jestesmy, ze tam pojechalismy. Nastepny raport z IM Austria w polowie lipca.


Mike is back to the training/working mode so now updating blog in English become my responsibility.

Our trip to Lanzarote wasn’t planned but we find it impossible to turn down the opportunity of going away. James and Veronique were going to La Santa and invited us to come along – and there was no way we will say no to that as we both really love this place. And that is how we ended up in Cannary Islands – 2 months after returning from 6 mths trip with the resolution to be more sensible.

Lanzarote is part of the Canary Islands, is situated just 79 miles off the coast of Africa, it is 37 miles (60km) long and 12 miles (20 km) wide. Lanzarote enjoys a mild dry climate with average daytime temperatures ranging from about 21°C in January to 29°C in August - this makes Lanzarote the perfect year-round destination.
As with the other Canary Islands, Lanzarote is Volcanic in origin and is often described as 'lunar' or 'Martian'. Local authority regulations on the amount and style of development mean that there is no billboard advertising and no high rise buildings in Lanzarote (with the exception of the Grand Hotel in Arrecife).

The main and must see attraction is Timanfaya National Park - The Montañas del Fuego (Fire Mountains) created between 1730 and 1736 when more than 100 volcanoes, rose up and devastated this part of the island (including several villages). The last eruptions were in 1824. Because of the low rainfall (and therefore lack of erosion) this area appears much the same as it did just after the eruptions. Temperatures just a few metres below the surface reach between 400°C and 600°C. Dry brush thrown into a hole in the ground catches fire immediately, while water poured into a bore hole erupts seconds later in the form of steam – like a mini-geyser.

Jameos del Agua is interesting volcanic cave converted into Auditorium, Swimming pool, Gardens and Restaurants, while still blending into the surrounding volcanic landscape. It has been designed by the Lanzarote-born artist César Manrique. The underground salt water Lagoon, Jameo Chico, is host to a Species of Blind Albino Crab that is found nowhere else.

For sports people it is mainly know because of the La Santa – sport complex far away from the touristy south. It futures tennis courts, 50m open air swimming pool, gym, stadium and great cycling opportunities. We been there before and really enjoy the place – if only we had a more holiday we would definitely visit it more often. Surprisingly, La Santa is family friendly place – there is a crèche for the kids and they organise lots of different activities for kids and adults. Mike feels there like fish in the water – morning swim follow by long bike and the run in the eve. James didn’t have other options than following Mike’s training plan – it was quite hard but he did well. Occasionally Mike even allowed couple of hours to relax on the sun bed near the pool (not very often).

I and Veronique had our own training plan to follow. Power walk in the morning, follow by 2 hrs aerobic/stretching session then another 3hrs in the afternoon. Vero had a pedometer and most of days we done twice the recommended amount of steps (recommended 10k per day) not counting the classes. For the lunch we would drive to meet the boys or we will walk 2 miles to the lovely juice bar (having it at La Santa would be too easy, we need to take every opportunity to exercise).

We had a great time, glad that we went there. The next report will be from Ironman in Austria – 2nd week of July.