This weekend away was different because for the first time we went skying and as this was very last minute decision we didn't even had time to panic. We were very pleased and surprised when the friends from work asked us on Wed to join them and of course we said yes. On Saturday morning at 5am we got in the car and drove 330k to Hochfungen in Austria.
the lifts on the learning slope
Mike is much more brave and competitive than myself - he managed to go down on the 1st day while I was still practicing in the lower part
There was a lot of excitement and we haven't taken many pictures - by mistake I've cut Mike's head off in this photo but that was not intentional
there was restaurant on the top, we couldn't resist the temptation to have a beer
here with our friends, Beata and Arek - thanks to them we went on our first skying holiday
we couldn't ask for a better weather, even Mike was using lots of sun cream
after practice our favourite pastime was sitting on the deckchairs and admiring skiers skills and being fascinated with the small kids skying with high speed down with no fair
unfortunately our skying skills were not good enough so we took the cable car down while others skied down but maybe one day we will be able to sky down as well
on the second day we had a lesson, it was few hard landings on the bum and had to do silly looking things but it actually worked
those are impressive big machinery used to keep the tracks clear
We only have stayed in Fugen for 1 night but it felt so much longer. We definitely won't be giving up our day job to become professional skiers but that was fun and we definitely will be back. The most shocking thing was simplicity of this weekend - the hardest part was making the decision the rest was downhill.